Change management projects in Spain

by Pedro López
(Barcelona, Spain)

Thank you Stephen for the introductory lessons which I found very stimulating and informative.

I have had some experience in this field in relation to software implementation and process improvement projects in Spain. The clients here tend to diminish the importance of change management activities and don't want to add additional costs to the projects.

Besides that it is not in their culture to pay attention to people issues. They are less sensitive to people aspects when dealing with change, even though they are told the risks of not getting the expected objectives of the projects.

Anyway I keep studying the subject because I think it is very important to include in almost all change initiatives.

So for me the question is how to make the point to clients that are not keen to include CM in their change projects, basically because of a culture bias.

I'll keep following your site to get further assistance on new possible CM projects. (I work as a process and CM consultant)

Best regards, Pedro López

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