Change Management Process
Where to start?
A very good place to start with the change management process is with a quick review of the following questions:
8 Simple Questions
(1) What will it all look like after the change?
(2) What am I trying to achieve and why?
(3) How will I be able to know that I have achieved it?
(4) Which of my people will it impact it, and how are they likely to react?
(5) How do I carry them with me through all this?
(6) What are the issues and that I will encounter and have to address?
(7) What is the right sequence of actions for doing all this?
(8) How am I going to implement all this and make it work?

Site Introduction
But first a few quick words about this site.
Specialist change management knowledge to a wider audience
As in any field of expertise, there are a relatively small number of experts with the knowledge and experience of change management and they tend to be employed by major corporates and the specialist consultancies that serve them.
However, in the current economic climate, most if not all organisations are experiencing the impacts of change and thus could now benefit from the wisdom and knowledge of the change management process.
Different sizes – different perspectives and needs
The owner or director of an organisation comprising 5 - 50 people has a totally different perspective and set of requirements to the director of a mid-range corporate with 500 employees; or to the programme director who is running a large complex programme - with a significant change management dimension - within a corporate of 5000 employees.
Target primary audience for this site
This site is primarily and specifically created for and targeted at:
- The non-expert director of an organisation (or division or subsidiary of a corporate) with 200 – 2000 employees.
- The director who is considering or implementing a step change (more on this in a moment).
Generic principles and tools
However, the principles, tools and resources in this site are generic and apply to any organisation that is starting the process regardless of its size, location or business sector. (This includes charities, churches and all other "not for profit" organisations.)
Scope beyond traditional methodologies
We also focus on the areas outside of the usual scope of traditional approaches and methodologies to help you identify and address key areas which can cause failures, and to show you how to avoid them.
There is a wealth of online information available on the subject of the change management process and implementation.
Rather than repeating and regurgitating much of this excellent material, my intention with this site - for my target primary audience - is to address as simply and clearly as possible these basic questions about starting the change management process:
- What do I need to know?
- What works?
- How do I apply it?

4 Key Initial Factors in the Change Management Process
Starting the process of change is the easy bit! Making change management work and actually achieving what you set out to achieve – realising the benefits of your change initiative - is far harder.
Here are 4 key initial factors that will determine your best approach to starting the change management process:
- The “Business As Usual” test
- The size of your organisation
- Your knowledge base
- Where you are now
To take a closer look at these 4 key factors in starting the process, and to self assess your knowledge, see here:
Leading change - 4 key initial factors in the change management process.
Further Resources
Leading Change - 4 Key Factors
Failure Reasons in Change Management
Recession Risk and Resistance - and How To Avoid Them
Business Culture and It's Effects On Change In Your Organisation
Teamwork In The Workplace
Effective Time Management
Mission and Vision Statements
Problem Solving Strategies
Business Decision Making Process
SWOT Analysis
Key Factors To Address At The Planning Stage
Change Management Risk Assessment
Change Management Implementation
Change Equation - INPACT Assessment
Leadership Qualities - Creating a Change Culture
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