There are many change management methodologies, and they all have various strengths and weaknesses.
Based on my own experience, it is my belief that the broad principles of programme management can be set out in a simple model and using simple language that can be applied to change management methodologies within any organisation of any size.
The role and position of project management
Project management delivers the capability that in turn willl deliver and realise an intended business benefit.
Programme management
Programme management takes a wider and more comprehensive perspective of the bigger picture, and a programme will include many different projects, each delivering the capabilities that will be needed in order to realise the full benefit potential of the change initiative.
The model that I am outlining here is particularly suited to organisations in the 200 - 2,000 employee range who have little or no prior knowledge, insight or experience of programme management.
However, it is important to emphasise that any organisation of any size or description, in any sector and in any geographic location in the world will benefit from a basic understanding and application of programme based change management methodologies because at root we are asking and addressing these simple questions:
(1) How am I going to do this?
(2) What's going to be different afterwards?
(3) What are the benefits of doing this?
(4) How will I measure success?
(5) Who's it going to impact?
(6) How can I keep them "on side"?
(7) What issues and risk will I encounter?
(8) What is the sequence of steps that I need to take to make it all work?
This simple model is not [and is not intended to be] exhaustive and the focus is very deliberately on:
[There are other elements that I have deliberately omitted that are not critical at this stage, namely Finance, Quality, Configuration and Audit.]
The focus at this stage is on establishing simple workable basic principles of change management methodologies, and I am assuming that good leadership and management skills can manage and eventually close the programme. [At some future point I will be developing this simple model further, to encompass the full life cycle.]
"A little knowledge... can be a very useful thing - but only if it proves the value of acquiring a deeper understanding."
I strongly believe and recommend that every organisation with 200+ staff should ensure that at least one senior member of the management team [with a focus on change management methodologies] is full trained in MSP [Managing Successful Programmes]. Full contact details and links are shown below.
All of the key management process steps to creating your change programme
For full details of each stage of Pre Programme Review and Planning and setting up a simple Programme Structure please follow each of the following links sequentially.
Before we move into the Pre Programme Review and Planning phase I would like to draw your attention to - and ask you to read - the section on Organisations and Culture [shown on the links below] as this really is the key to understanding the Pre Programme Review and Planning Process and getting the best out of your change management methodologies.