Programme implementation

How to make it work and deliver the benefits

How to achieve a successful programme implementation?

programme implementation,change management,change managers,change management training The western world-view of business can be somewhat simplistically summarised by the "3 P's" - process, people and pounds - a business climate where the "bottom line" is delivered by process - worked by people.

Frequently the driver for initiating change is financial - and processes are designed and put in place to deliver the financial benefit. But 70% of the time it just doesn't work!

And process is just about people doing stuff - so ultimately it's all about people - and processes that work for people.

We are now living through a scenario of unprecedented change where many of the accepted paradigms are shifting...

So a timely approach to managing change and achieving a successful programme implementation is [in my view] one that focuses greater attention on people.

The 5 key success factors

The 5 the key factors that will determine the success of your step change initiative:

(1) Being clear that what is involved is beyond the scope of business as usual and requires the launch and implementation of a specific progamme of change to realise the vision and deliver the intended business benefits.

(2) Ensuring that the initiative is led as well as managed, and led by a person of the highest calibre who has proven capabilities of facilitative and transformational leadership.

(3) Employing a change model that incorporates a holistic programme management based approach, and being flexible enough to adapt to the specific needs and requirements of your situation.

(4) Undertaking a thorough pre programme review which will include an honest and realistic assessment of the organisation's change readiness.

(5) Recognising the criticality of the cultural aspects, and specifically having the means and the method to map and frame the existing culture[s] and the tools to effect the cultural change that will be needed for a successful change programme

In this site I have deliberately paid a lot of attention to the detail and process of successful strategies for managing change. I believe in micro-managing the set up of a step change initiative with a big front end commitment of senior management time. It is worth it because if you think it all through properly - and set it all up correctly - you get the return on investment of that time in realised benefits.

4 keys to sustaining your change initiative

Here are 4 factors that will sustain your initiative and lead to a successful programme implementation:

(1) Clarity about the business drivers for the change, about what will change, about the business benefits that will be derived from the change, and honesty about the impacts of the change.

(2) Communication - constant communication - communication that listens as well as speaks, communication that explains clearly what is and isn't happening and why and that shows empathy and consideration for the transitions that people will go through as they internalise their personal adjustments to what is happening to them.

(3) Consistency - in how you lead the change amd manage the delivery. People need to have confidence in you, and consistency of message, intention and action builds confidence.

(4) Capability - constant attention to the management of the projects that are delivering the resources from which the business benefits will be derived.

Additional resources

What is Project management?

Project management principles - 10 ways to make a project fail

Project management methodologies - 8 ways to succeed

Project management skills - 8 key factors

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practitioners masterclass,change management training,change managers,change management