HR Management in the Change Process

by Tafadzwa Kabambe
(Dublin, Ireland)

Planning and implementing change is a key challenge for HR managers. In my experience:

(1) You need to outline the recommendations you would make for the process of managing a planned strategic change.

(2) You should pay particular attention to managing people in the organisation through the change as well as initiatives for managing potential resistance to the change.

(3) You should explain the reasons for the choices you have made, drawing on change management models and methods.

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The Importance of Communication Throughout the Change Process
by: Stephen Warrilow

William Bridges is very strong on this and focuses on the transitions and the psychological changes that lie behind significant organisational change.

Bridges draws the important and frequently overlooked distinction between change and transition. Bridges sees change as situational and transition as psychological.

Transition management is all about seeing the situation through the eyes of the other guy. It is a perspective based on empathy. It is management and communication process that recognises and affirms people's realities and works with them to bring them through the transition.

He suggests that communication should address these 3 simple questions:

(1) What is changing?

(2) What will actually be different because of the change?

(3) Who's going to lose what?

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