Managing Individual transitions

by Aderonke

First I need to thank you for this free course on managing change. I have read a lot of books on managing change but your free lesson just hit me with the difference between organizational change and the individual transition that accompanies those changes.

But how do you manage the individual transitions for all your employees knowing that there will be a whole lot of varied emotions and feelings about the whole change.

Thanks. The concept of change management and the lessons are getting more interesting.


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Re: Managing Transitions
by: Stephen Warrilow

Thanks for your comments.

You grasped the core theme of this whole site and this appproach to "change management" namely that change is as much about people as it is about organisations.

The direct answer to your question about how to manage transitions is covered here: William Bridges - Change Transitions and How to Navigate them

However the wider answer is that factoring in the people side permeates ALL aspects of the change process - from planning through to implementation and eventual realisation of the benefits.

Needless to say, this is all covered in depth in the full
Practitioners Masterclass materials.

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